When I digital scrapbook, I create a whole layout on one document in Photoshop.  After I am finished with the page, I copy and paste each half of the layout onto separate "pages."  That way I can place them in my "books" that are later published.  You'll notice that I leave margins around the edges of each page to make room for "bleeding." Bleeding is where the picture is printed all the way to the edges, and some of the picture is lost in the printing.  

The most pages I have done in one week was about 160, which was a book I made of my family reunion in July 2006.  For the most part, the pages were very simple, and I used very few embellishments (not only because of time constraint, but also because I have five brothers who aren't really into "frills").  It was quite a task.  My mom came out to take care of my kids so I could finish the project before Christmas.  NOTE TO SELF: Don't attempt to do that many in a week again.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Six More Layouts Left!

Over the weekend I finished two layouts, and now only have about six more until I am finished with my 2005 book. The book will be about 320 pages long when I am finished, which is about 160 layouts. I can't believe I'm almost there.

Here are the two layouts I finished this weekend. The one with Brooke holding the dandelion was a template I made, which took me a while to finish. The second one started out as a template, but I got frustrated with the limited ability to place my photos, so I placed the pictures on a separate document exactly how they were placed on the template, and was able to finish it more quickly.

I must mention the background. I created the background by first choosing a color (I got a nice brown by using the color picker on the horse, and then I got a nice grunge brush and adjusted the hue jitter, spacing, etc (I experimented with the brush settings). I then added a bevel, adjusting it down a little, and then added a shadow to give it even more of a grunge look.

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